How is Processing ?

How is Processing ?

Face to face delivery :

We will send you an invitation after you place an order, get that invitation,

We will teleport to you, right click on us from party and send trade request with a blue item (which costs 150 favor),

That's all ! You receive the gold

Auction house delivery :

Place a blue item (which costs 150 favor) on auction house ,

Connect live chat and send screenshot of item to us,

We buy it and you receive the gold !

Last Epoch
Last Epoch
Last Epoch is a hack and slash action role-playing game developed by Eleventh Hour Games (EHG). In March 2023, a multiplayer beta was launched.[6] In October 2023, it was announced that the full game would launch on February 21, 2024.


1st Cycle - Standard - 1 m Gold
1st Cycle - Hardcore - 1 m Gold