Choice 1 : Face to Face trade in any city.
Choice 2 : Island Delivering via Building.
Choice 3 : Duel. (If you buy XX amount you have to own XX+ amount of silver in your inventory)
Choice 4 : Auction House purchases (%3 marketplace tax for premium / %6 marketplace tax for non-premium users)
Choice 5 : Guild Case deposit/withdraw.
1- Face to Face : Provide us your username/city on confirmation of cart. Stay on that city's bank West side and we will find an deliver your silver.
2- Explanation of Island delivery :
After your purchase provide us your nickname in cart. If you are ready connect the live chat and we will give you the island name. You can teleport there from all teleport npcs. After coming in there you can purchase it that way.
You can follow the steps to receive/deliver your silvers. Start by clicing on the building at first photo.
3- Duel is that we are sending you a duel request with a bet of XX amount silver. You kill us and get the money on bet.
Note : For accepting the duel request you have to own at least the same amount of silver in your bag.
4- Auction house purchase method is putting an item on a market for the amount of silver you purchased. Please provide us the name of item / tier / enchant / city informations on your cart. After completing the purchase we will buy your item in minutes. Don't forget that you are giving %3 marketplace sale tax for premium accounts and %6 for non premiums.
5- Guild case withdraw method needs a character without guild and able to join it. Provide us your nickname in cart . We will send you an invitation for guild. Rigth after joining the guild we will set your permission and you can withdraw your silver by pressing "G" and you can find the silver tab in the window. Using withdraw button will help you to get your silver.
Server: East
Product Type: Silver
Unit Price: 0.254
Stock: 43
Minimum Quantity : 10
Current Amount: